Digital Humanities & Humanities Computing
Posted: Tue Jan 18 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
In many ways, my career in this area of study—I'll refer to it as "DH", though it goes by a variety of names—began in the late 1990's when I taught myself how to make web pages with HTML. At the time, I was also supplementing my income as a graduate student in Classics by fixing computers for faculty members and other students. That, too, helped to develop my interest in technology.
As web sites became more complex, I did my best to keep up with the developing technologies. I went from writing HTML in a text editor to using Dreamweaver, to managing sites in a variety of content management systems. Along the way, I also learned how to administer servers in various flavors of Linux, and I began to learn various computer languages so that I could write programs. (For more, see my listing of areas of expertise.)
My main scholarly interest is in text encoding and visualization, but I also have strong interests in Linked Open Data and its related technologies (RDF, OWL, SPARQL). Both of those interests are reflected in my primary DH project, the Digital Latin Library.
I would love to find opportunities to collaborate on DH projects, particularly with faculty members, students, independent scholars, and community partners who would like to explore DH but don't have technical skills or a background in technology.
My dream project would combine DH methodologies and technologies to raise awareness of, or even to solve, real-world issues and problems.
Photo by Philipp Katzenberger on Unsplash