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Curriculum Vitae

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Samuel J. Huskey
The University of Oklahoma
Department of Classics and Letters


PhD, University Of Iowa, 2002
Dissertation Title: "Ovid's Tristia I and III: An Intertextual Katabasis"

BA, University of Oklahoma, 1994 (Phi Beta Kappa)
Major: Classics

Professional Positions

  • Professor, University of Oklahoma (July 2020–Present)
  • Chair, Department of Classics and Letters, University of Oklahoma (2009–2019)
  • Interim Chair, Department of Classics and Letters, University of Oklahoma (January 2009–June 2009)
  • Associate Professor, University of Oklahoma (August 2008–June 2020)
  • Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma. (August 2002–July 2008)

Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  1. Huskey, S. J. (Principal Investigator), Abbas, J. M. (Co-Principal Investigator), Weaver, C. (Co-Principal Investigator), "Digital Latin Library Implementation." Sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. $1,000,000.00. (July 20, 2015–July 31, 2017). Grant number 21500706.
  2. Huskey, S. J. (Principal Investigator), Abbas, J. M. (Co-Principal Investigator), Weaver, C. (Co-Principal Investigator), "Digital Latin Library." Sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. $572,000.00. (July 14, 2014–July 31, 2015). Grant number 21400643.
  3. Huskey, S. J. (Principal Investigator), "Planning Grant: Digital Latin Library." Sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. $158,000.00. (April 1, 2012–August 31, 2013). Grant number 11200693.



  1. Samuel J. Huskey, Hugh A. Cayless, & Andrew Dunning. 2020, March 5. DigitalLatin/guidelines: Version 1.3.0 (Version v1.3.0). Zenodo.
  2. Katy Felkner and Samuel J. Huskey. 2019. "Automation Scripts for the Digital Latin Library: First Release." Zenodo. http://doi:10.5281/zenodo.2658751.


  1. Huskey, S.J. 2024. "Committing to reproducibility and explainability: using Git as a research journal." International Journal of Digital Humanities 6:9–21. PDF available at
  2. Huskey, S. J. 2022. "The Visual [Re]Presentation of Textual Data in Traditional and Digital Critical Editions." magazén: International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities 3.1.
  3. Huskey, S. J. and Cayless, H. 2022. "The Digital Critical Apparatus: Thoughts from the Field." The Classical Journal 117.3: 340–358.
  4. Huskey, S. J., and Witt, J. 2019. "Decoupling Quality Control and Publication: The Digital Latin Library and the Traveling Imprimatur." Digital Humanities Quarterly 13.4.
  5. Huskey, S. J. 2011. "Fragments of an Anonymous Medieval Commentary in a Manuscript of Lucan's De bello civili." Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 46: 91–110.
  6. Huskey, S. 2010. "Three Colophons in Tommaso Baldinotti's Manuscript of Lucan." Textual Cultures: Text, Contexts, Interpretation, 5 (1): 99–110.
  7. Huskey, S. J. 2006. "Ovid's (Mis)Guided Tour of Rome: Some Purposeful Omissions in Tr. 3.1." The Classical Journal 13: 17–39.
  8. Huskey, S. J. 2006. "Ovid's Metamorphoses in Tristia I, 1." Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History 13: 335–357.
  9. Huskey, S. 2005. "In Memory of Tibullus: Ovid's Remembrance of Tibullus 1.3 in Amores 3.9 and Tristia 3.3." Arethusa 38 (3): 367–386.
  10. Huskey, S. J. 2004. "Quaerenti plura legendum: Ovid on the necessity of reading in Tristia 1.1.21–22." Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History 12: 234–249.
  11. Huskey, S. J. 2004. "Strategies of Omission and Revelation in Ovid Her. 6, 12, and Tr. 3.9." Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur und Ihre Rezeption 148 (2): 274–289.
  12. Huskey, S. 2002. "Ovid and the Fall of Troy in Tristia 1.3." Vergilius 48: 88–104.
  13. Huskey, S. J. 1999. "Turnus and Terminus in Aeneid 12." Mnemosyne 52: 77–82.

Chapters in Books

  1. Huskey, S.J. and Robert A. Kaster. 2024. "Editing." In The Cambridge Critical Guide to Latin Literature. Roy K. Gibson and Christopher Whitton, eds., 516–562. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  2. Huskey, S.J. 2020. "Scholarly Digital Editions: A Wise Investment for Scholars and Institutions." In Der digital turn in den Altertumswissenschaften: Wahrnehmung–Dokumentation–Reflexion Anna Novokhatko, Stelios Chronopoulos, and Felix Maier, eds. Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 43–54. Open Access:
  3. Huskey, S.J. 2019. "The Digital Latin Library: Cataloging and Publishing Critical Editions of Latin Texts." In Digital Classical Philology Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution. Monica Berti, ed. Berlin: De Gruyter Saur, 19–34. Open Access:
  4. Huskey, S. J. 2018. "Warts and All: A Study of the Paratexts in the Iowa Lucan." In At the Crossroads of Greco-Roman History, Culture and Religion. Sinclair Bell and Lora Holland, eds. Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd., 249–260. Open Access at:{45331E1A-8F26-493F-9C5B-085C7D0F2C91}
  5. Huskey, S. J. 2010. "Approaches to Teaching Ovid's Tristia." In Approaches to Teaching World Literature: Teaching Ovid and Ovidianism. New York, United States: Modern Language Association, 77–80.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Abbas, J. M., Baker, S. R., Huskey, S. J., and Weaver, C. 2016. "How I learned to love Classical studies: Information representation design of the Digital Latin Library." In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology. Silver Spring, MD, United States: Association for Information Science and Technology.
  2. Silvia, S., Etemadpour, R., Huskey, S. J., Abbas, J. M., and Weaver, C. 2016. "Visualizing Variation in Classical Text with Force Directed Storylines." In Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities. Baltimore, MD, United States.
  3. Asokarajan, B., Etemadpour, R., Huskey, S. J., Abbas, J. M., and Weaver, C. 2016. "Visualization of Latin Textual Variants using a Pixel-Based Text Analysis Tool." In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Visual Analytics. Geneva, Switzerland: The Eurographics Association.
  4. Abbas, J. M., Baker, S. R., Huskey, S. J., and Weaver, C. 2015. "Digital Latin Library: Information Work Practices of Classics Scholars, Graduate Students, and Teachers." In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology. Silver Spring, MD, United States: Association for Information Science and Technology.
  5. Asokarajan, B., Abbas, J. M., Huskey, S. J., and Weaver, C. 2015. "Pixel-oriented Visualization for Analyzing Classical Latin Texts." IEEE VIS 2015 Conference Compendium.
  6. Silvia Shejuti, June Abbas, Sam Huskey, and Chris Weaver. "Storyline Visualization with Force Directed Layout [Poster]". IEEE VIS 2015 Conference Compendium, Chicago, IL, October 2015.

Book Reviews

  1. Huskey, S. J. 2021. Review of Constanze Güthenke, Feeling and classical philology: knowing antiquity in German scholarship, 1770-1920. Bryn Mawr Classical Review. Bryn Mawr, PA, USA: Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
  2. Huskey, Samuel J. Review of Passwords: Philology, Security Authentication, by Brian Lennon. Technology and Culture 60, no. 4 (2019): 1126–1127. doi:10.1353/tech.2019.0116.
  3. Huskey, S. J. 2019. Review of Barbara Weiden Boyd, Ovid's Homer: Authority, Repetition, and Reception. Classical World 112, 235–236.
  4. Huskey, S. J. 2017. Review of Classical Commentaries: Explorations in a Scholarly Genre ed. by Christina S. Kraus, Christopher Stray. Classical World[ 110, 283–285.
  5. Huskey, S. J. 2017. Review of Karakasis, T. Calpurnius Siculus: A Pastoral Poet in Neronian Rome. Bryn Mawr Classical Review. Bryn Mawr, PA, USA: Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
  6. Huskey, S. J. 2016, December 21. Review of Texts, Editors, and Readers: Methods and Problems in Latin Textual Criticism, by Richard Tarrant (Cambridge University Press, 2016). CJ Online. Huskey on Tarrant.pdf
  7. Huskey, S. J. 2014. Review of Ovid's Revisions: The Editor as Author, by Francesca K. A. Martelli (Cambridge University Press, 2013). United States: CJ Online. Access:
  8. Huskey, S. J. 2010. Review of Ovid Revisited: The Poet in Exile, by Jo-Marie Claassen (Duckworth Publishers, 2008). The Journal of Roman Studies 100, 297–298.
  9. Huskey, S. J. 2010. Review of Critical Moments in Classical Literature: Studies in the Ancient View of Literature and its Uses, by Richard Hunter (Cambridge University Press, 2009). CJ Online.
  10. Huskey, S. 2008. Review of Ovid and Augustus: A Political Reading of Ovid's Erotic Poems, by P.J. Davis (Duckworth Publishers, 2006). The Classical Journal. United States: Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Access: on Davis.pdf
  11. Huskey, S. J. 2006. Review of Komik in den Tristien Ovids, by Martin Amann (Schweizerische Beiträge zur Altertumswissenschaft 31, 2006). Bryn Mawr Classical Review. Bryn Mawr, PA, United States. Access:
  12. Huskey, S. J. 2003. Review of Roman Religion: A Sourcebook, by Valerie M. Warrior (Focus Publishing/R. Pullins Company 2002). Bryn Mawr Classical Review. Bryn Mawr, PA, United States. Access:

Encyclopedia Entries

  1. Huskey, S. J. 2016. "Aedes." In Routledge Encyclopedia of Ancient Mediterranean Religions. New York, United States: Routledge.
  2. Huskey, S. J. 2016. "Capitoline Triad." In Routledge Encyclopedia of Ancient Mediterranean Religions. New York, United States: Routledge.
  3. Huskey, S. J. 2016. "Fanum." In Routledge Encyclopedia of Ancient Mediterranean Religions. New York, United States: Routledge.
  4. Huskey, S. J. 2016. "Fasti." In Routledge Encyclopedia of Ancient Mediterranean Religions. New York, United States: Routledge.
  5. Huskey, S.J. 2000. "Alkman." Suda On Line.
  6. Huskey, S.J. 2000. "Acherôn (1)." Suda On Line.
  7. Huskey, S.J. 2000. "Acherôn (2)." Suda On Line.
  8. Huskey, S.J. 2000. "Kaisar Augoustos." Suda On Line.
  9. Huskey, S.J. 2000. "Persephonê." Suda On Line.


"Catalog and Study of 55 Fragmentary Latin Inscriptions in the Musei Capitolini." (July 2015). Collaboration with Daniela Velestino, curator of the Capitoline Museums epigraphy collection, to create an XML catalog of 55 previously unpublished fragmentary Latin inscriptions.

Invited Lectures

  1. Huskey, S. J. "The Digital Latin Library." SunoikisisDC. Leipzig, Germany. (July 1, 2021) < SunoikisisDC-2020-2021/wiki/SunoikisisDC-Summer-2021-Session-12>.
  2. Huskey, S. J. "Encoding the Encoded: Making Critical Editions Digital." Lady Margaret Hall Seminar on Textual Criticism. University of Oxford. (May 21, 2021).
  3. Huskey, S. J. "What is 'Digital Latin'? An Overview of the Digital Latin Library." Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities: Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities. Venice, Italy. (November 25, 2020)
  4. Huskey, S. J., Abbas, J. M., Weaver, C. "The Digital Latin Library as an Open Access Publisher of Digital Critical Editions." Greek and Latin in an Age of Open Data. Leipzig, Germany. (December 2, 2014).


CAMWS = Classical Association of the Middle West and South

SCS = Society for Classical Studies, formerly American Philological

  1. Huskey, S. J. Panelist: "Peer Review: Present Tensions, Future Directions." SCS 155th annual meeting, Chicago, IL (January 6, 2024).
  2. Huskey, S. J. "Evaluating Digital Scholarship on its Own Terms: A Case Study." SCS 151st annual meeting, Washington, D.C. (January 3, 2020).
  3. Huskey, S. J. "The Digital Latin Library," SCS 150th annual meeting, San Diego, CA. (January 6, 2019).
  4. Felkner, V. K. and Huskey, S. J. "Digital Critical Editions: Coding and/as Scholarship," CAMWS 114th annual meeting, Albuquerque, NM. (April 2018).
  5. Huskey, S. J. "The Digital Latin Library and the Library of Digital Latin Texts," SCS 149th annual meeting, Boston, MA. (January 7, 2018).
  6. Asokarajan, B., Etemadpour, R., Abbas, J. M., Huskey, S. J., Weaver, C., Proceedings of the EuroGraphics / IEEE-VGTC Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), "Visualization of Latin Textual Variants using a Pixel-Based Text Analysis Tool," IEEE-VGTC, Barcelona, Spain. (June 2017).
  7. Abbas, J. M., Baker, S. R., Huskey, S. J., Weaver, C., Association for Information Science & Technology, "How I learned to love Classical studies: Information representation design of the Digital Latin Library," Copenhagen, Denmark. (October 2016).
  8. Silvia, S., Etemadpour, R., Abbas, J. M., Huskey, S. J., Weaver, C., Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities, "Visualizing Variation in Classical Text with Force Directed Storylines," IEEE, Baltimore, MD. (October 2016).
  9. Asokarajan, B., Etemadpour, R., Huskey, S. J., Abbas, J. M., Weaver, C., Proceedings of the International Workshop on Visual Analytics, "Visualization of Latin Textual Variants using a Pixel-Based Text Analysis Tool," EuroVis, Groningen, Netherlands. (June 2016).
  10. Huskey, S. J. "Evaluating Linked Open Data for the Library of Digital Latin Texts," Linking the Big Ancient Mediterranean (BAM) Conference, Iowa City, IA. (June 8, 2016).
  11. Abbas, J., Baker, R., Huskey, S. J. "Digital Latin Library: Information Work Practices of Classics Scholars, Graduate Students, and Teachers," Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Saint Louis, MO. (November 7, 2015).
  12. Asokarajan, B., Weaver, C., Abbas, J. M., Huskey, S. J. "Pixel-oriented Visualization for Analyzing Classical Latin Texts," Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Information Visualization Conference (InfoVis), Chicago, IL. (October 2015).
  13. Shejuti, S., Abbas, J. M., Weaver, C., Huskey, S. J. "Storyline Visualization with Force Directed Layout," Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Information Visualization Conference, Chicago, IL. (October 2015).
  14. Huskey, S. J. "Toward the Evaluation of Digital Critical Editions of Latin Texts," Latin Textual Criticism in the Digital Age, Norman, OK. (June 25, 2015).
  15. Huskey, S. J. "Combining Latin Language Learning and Undergraduate Research with Digital Humanities," CAMWS 110th annual meeting, Waco, TX. (April 5, 2014).
  16. Huskey, S. J. "Ovid in the Land of the Dead," CAMWS 108th annual meeting, Baton Rouge, LA (March 30, 2012).
  17. Huskey, S. J. "Eastwood's Unforgiven as a Reading of the Odyssey," CAMWS 106th annual meeting, Oklahoma City, OK (March 25, 2010).
  18. Huskey, S. J. "Ovid as Palinurus and Aeneas in the Tristia," CAMWS 105th annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN (April 4, 2009).
  19. Huskey, S. J. "Publication and You: Thinking Strategically about Publishing," CAMWS 105th annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN (April 2, 2009).
  20. Huskey, S. J. "A New Manuscript of Lucan's Bellum Civile," CAMWS 103rd annual meeting, Cincinnati, OH (April 13, 2007).
  21. Huskey, S. J. "Roasting the Emperor: Augustus as Phalaris in Ovid's Exile Poetry," CAMWS 102nd annual meeting, Gainesville, FL. (April 6, 2006).
  22. Huskey, S. J. "Ulysses Who?: The Strategic Suppression of Names in Tristia 1.5," CAMWS 101st annual meeting, Madison, WI (April 1, 2005).
  23. Huskey, S. J. "A Funny Thing Happens On The Way Through Ovid's Forum (Tristia 3.1)," CAMWS 100th annual meeting, St. Louis, MO (April 16, 2004).
  24. Huskey, S. J. "In Memory of Tibullus: A Double Allusion in Ovid's Tristia 3.3." CAMWS, 99th annual meeting, Lexington, KY (April 5, 2003).
  25. Huskey, S. J. "Si licet exemplis in parvo grandibus uti: Ovid at the Fall of Troy in Tristia 1.3," American Philological Association 133rd annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA (January 2002).
  26. Huskey, S. J. "The Argonautic Exile: Ovid and Jason in Tristia 1.10," CAMWS 97th annual meeting, Provo, UT (April 2001).
  27. Huskey, S. J. "The Allusive Exile: Philomela and Palamedes in Ovid's Tristia 1.1," American Philological Association 132nd annual meeting, San Diego, CA (January 2001).
  28. Huskey, S. J. "Gubernator ... immemor artis: Ovid as Palinurus in Tristia 1.11," CAMWS 96th annual meeting, Knoxville, TN (April 2000).
  29. Huskey, S. J. "The Deeply Clinging Boundary Stone: An Element of Liminality in the De Rerum Natura," American Philological Association 131st annual meeting, Dallas, TX. (December 1999).
  30. Huskey, S. J. "Venus, Juno, and the Linear Structure of Ovid's Amores 3," CAMWS 95th annual meeting, Cleveland, OH (April 1999).
  31. Huskey, S. J. "Deus Inde Ego: Horace as Priapus in Sermones 1.8," CAMWS 94th annual meeting, Charlottesville, VA (April 1998).
  32. Huskey, S. J. "Turnus and Terminus in Aeneid XII," CAMWS 92nd annual meeting, Nashville, TN (April 1996).


  1. Conference Organizer, "Digital Latin Library Summer Workshop." Norman, OK (June 29–30, 2017).
  2. Conference Organizer, "Latin Textual Criticism in the Digital Age." Norman, OK (June 25, 2015).
  3. Chair, Local Committee, 106th annual meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Oklahoma City, OK. (March 24–27, 2010)

Ongoing Research Activity

  1. Houston, Jason and Samuel J. Huskey. Boccaccio's Shorter Latin Works. Cambridge: Harvard University Press (under contract).
  2. "Digital Critical Edition of Calpurnius Siculus and other Minor Latin Poets" (On-Going). (2016–Present) This is an ongoing project to involve undergraduate students in philological research. The result will be a new, born-digital critical edition of the minor Latin poets.
  3. "Digital Latin Library" (On-Going). (2012–Present). The DLL, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and affiliated with the Society for Classical Studies, the Medieval Academy of America, and the Renaissance Society of America, is building a Linked Open Data, online resource for finding, reading, discussing, studying, teaching, editing, annotating, and publishing Latin texts of all eras


(* Indicates a course proposed, developed, and taught)

  1. CL C 1113:* Introduction to Classical Studies (Fall 2011, 2012)
  2. CL C 2383: Classical Mythology (Summer 2003, Spring 2011, Spring 2013, Fall 2014, Fall 2016, Fall 2020, Spring 2024)
  3. CL C 3023:* Greek Literature in English Translation (Fall 2008)
  4. CL C 3033: Latin Literature in English Translation (Fall 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007)
  5. CL C 3113: Greek Epic Poetry (May 2003, 2004, Fall 2021)
  6. CL C 3123: Greek Tragedy in English Translation (Fall 2010)
  7. CL C 3313:* Religions of Rome (Spring 2003, 2004, 2007)
  8. CL C 3510: * States in Crisis in Greece & Rome (Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2024)
  9. CL C 3613: Classical Influences on Modern Literature (Winter 2004, May 2005, Summer 2005, May 2006)
  10. CL C 4503: Classics Capstone (Spring 2009, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2023)
  11. GRK 2113: Biblical Greek (Fall 2018, Fall 2020)
  12. GRK 3213: Greek Tragedy (Spring 2024)
  13. LAT 1115: Beginning Latin I (Fall 2023)
  14. LAT 1215: Beginning Latin II (Spring 2024)
  15. LAT 2113: Intermediate Latin Prose (Spring 2003, Spring 2004, Spring 2006, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2019, Spring 2021)
  16. LAT 2213: Intermediate Latin Poetry (Spring 2007, Fall 2021, Fall 2024)
  17. LAT 3113: Advanced Latin Prose (Fall 2002, Fall 2003, Spring 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010)
  18. LAT 3213: Advanced Latin Poetry (Fall 2004, Fall 2006, Spring 2023)
  19. LAT 3313:* Latin Prose Composition (Spring 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2018)
  20. LAT 3513: Roman Philosophers (Fall 2024)
  21. LAT 4133: Historians (Fall 2006, 2007, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2017, 2019)
  22. LAT 4213: Latin Lyric Poetry (Fall 2005, Spring 2011, Spring 2017)
  23. LAT 4970: Latin Inscriptions (Fall 2015); Bucolic Poetry (Fall 2019)
  24. UNIV 1210: section 1, Freshman Mentoring Program (Fall 2009, 2010, 2011)

Directed Student Learning

  1. Honors Research, Kathryn Powers (Fall 2023)
  2. Honors Research, Jack Bennet (Fall 2021)
  3. Mentored Undergraduate Research, Caleb Carr (Spring 2019)
  4. Mentored Undergraduate Research, Elizabeth Anderson, (Fall 2018)
  5. Undergraduate Honors Research, "Mythological Connotations in Ex Machina." (May 2016) Advised: Jennifer Nguyen
  6. Undergraduate Honors Research, "A Digital Edition of Vibius Sequester." (December 2012) Advised: Shaina Gordon
  7. Undergraduate Honors Research, "Persona vs. Vita: Authorship, Identity, and Purpose in the Ovidian Corpus." (May 2011) Advised: Dylan Erwin
  8. Undergraduate Honors Research, "The Problem of Genre and Ovid's Ars Amatoria." (May 2011) Advised: Molly Miller
  9. Undergraduate Honors Research, "The Effects of a Creed on Freedom and Order." (December 2009) Advised: Michael Du Pont
  10. Undergraduate Honors Research, "The Sources on Amyntas IV and Amyntas Antiochou of Macedon." (December 2008) Advised: Kelly Taylor
  11. Undergraduate Honors Research, "A reading of Ovid's Ibis." (December 2008) Advised: Rachel Dowell
  12. Undergraduate Honors Research, "An Analysis of the Prose Style of Julius Caesar's Bellum Civile." (May 2007) Advised: Alex Ward
  13. Undergraduate Honors Research, "A Survey of Pedagogical Methods for Latin." (May 2007) Advised: Bethany Burklund
  14. Undergraduate Honors Research, "Latin Textual Criticism and the New Lucan MS." (May 2007) Advised: Scott Wise
  15. Undergraduate Honors Research, "A Translation and Commentary on the Life of Elagabalus." (May 2006) Advised: Shane Morgan
  16. Undergraduate Honors Research, "Religion in Roman Britain." (December 2003) Advised: Sharada Price
  17. Undergraduate Honors Research, "Jews and Judaism in Ancient Alexandria." (May 2003) Advised: Mary Veith

Faculty Development Activities Attended

  1. Workshop, "Evaluating Digital Scholarship," National Endowment for the Humanities, Charlottesville, VA, United States. (June 20, 2012–June 22, 2012).
  2. A year-long series of workshops, "Academy for Chairs," Educators' Leadership Academy, Edmond, OK, United States. (August 2009–May 2010).
  3. Series of workshops, "Outstanding Professors' Academy," Educators' Leadership Academy, Edmond, OK. (August 2007–May 2008).

University Service

  1. Committee Member, OU Libraries DH Task Force (Fall 2024–present)
  2. Committee Member, OU Provost AI Subcommittee on Research and Creative Activity. (Fall 2023–present).
  3. Committee Member, OU Faculty Evaluation Working Group. (January 2023–present).
  4. Committee Member, OU Humanities Forum Advisory Board. (August 2022-present).
  5. Committee Member, University Libraries Associate Dean for Digital Strategies & Innovation. (Fall 2021).
  6. Committee Member, University Libraries Chief Technology Office Search. (April 2021–July 2021).
  7. Faculty Appeals Board (2020–2023)
  8. Campus IT Council. (Spring 2020, Fall 2023–present)
  9. Chief Information Officer Search Committee (2019)
  10. Business Continuity Plan (2015–Present).
  11. Provost's Advisory Committee on Learning Outcomes Assessment. (2014–2016).
  12. Committee Member, Bookstore Advisory Committee. (2017).
  13. Guest Speaker, A Conversation with Tony Hey. (February 24, 2016).
  14. Guest Speaker, Introduction to Digital Humanities. (February 19, 2016).
  15. Committee Member, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Oklahoma. (2011–2015).
  16. 'The Digital Latin Library' at 'Digital Humanities at OU.' (September 15, 2015).
  17. Assessment Management System Review Committee. (2014).
  18. Bookstore Advisory Committee. (2014).
  19. Task Force Member, Arts and Humanities Working Group. (2011–2013).
  20. Faculty Advisor, OU Academic Team. (2010–2012).
  21. Faculty Advisor, Student Veterans Association. (2010–2012).
  22. Guest Speaker, OU Teaching Scholars Institute. (October 19, 2012).
  23. Guest Speaker, OU Teaching Assistant Orientation. (August 14, 2012).
  24. Committee Member, Executive Committee on Academic Integrity. (2011).
  25. Guest Speaker, OU Teaching Assistant Orientation. (August 14, 2011).
  26. Chairperson, Aspire 2020 Arts and Humanities Action Team. (2010).
  27. Guest Speaker, OU Greek Community Forum. (November 9, 2010).
  28. Committee Member, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Oklahoma. (2002–2007).
  29. Guest Speaker, OU Faculty Lecture Series. (April 24, 2007).
  30. President, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Oklahoma. (2005–2006).
  31. Vice President, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Oklahoma. (2004–2005).

Professional Service

  1. Information Architect, Society for Classical Studies (2011–Present)
  2. Member, ex officio, Society for Classical Studies Education Committee (2011–Present)
  3. Member, ex officio, Society for Classical Studies Outreach Committee (2011–Present)
  4. Member, ex officio, Society for Classical Studies Research and Publications Committee (2011–Present)
  5. Reviewer, Ad Hoc Committee on Digital Scholarship, Society for Classical Studies (2014)
  6. Member, Classical Association of the Middle West and South Committee on Merit (2009–2014)
  7. Member, Classical Association of the Middle West and South Committee for the Promotion of Latin (2005–2009)
  8. Member, Classical Association of the Middle West and South Executive Committee. (2002–2009).
  9. Webmaster, Classical Association of the Middle West and South. (2002–2009).

Public Service

  1. Guest Speaker, OU Arts and Humanities Forum panel on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Tools for the Arts and Humanities (October 31, 2024)
  2. Guest Speaker, St. Stephen's United Methodist Church Fiction Group. (August 22, 2023).
  3. Committee Member, United Way of Norman Income Council, Norman, OK. (February 23, 2017–June 20, 2017).
  4. Guest Speaker, College of Arts and Sciences Research Discussion Series. (November 10, 2017).
  5. Guest Speaker, Pioneer Library System, OK. (March 21, 2016–April 17,2016).
  6. Guest Speaker, Pioneer Library System, Norman, OK. (April 8, 2016).
  7. Guest Speaker, Norman High School, Norman, OK. (November 3, 2015).
  8. Guest Speaker, Trinity Lutheran Church, Norman, OK. (November 7, 2013).
  9. Guest Speaker, Oklahoma City Mensa Society. (September 17, 2011).
  10. Guest Speaker, Shawnee Rotary Club, Shawnee, OK. (June 7, 2011).
  11. Guest Speaker, Blanchard High School Gifted and Talented Program. (January 27, 2011).
  12. Guest Speaker, Wabunaki Society, Norman, OK. (October 5, 2009).
  13. Guest Speaker, Oklahoma City Museum of Art, Oklahoma City, OK. (June 24, 2008).
  14. Guest Speaker, St. Stephen's United Methodist Church, Norman, OK. (April 24, 2007).
  15. Guest Speaker, Morning Star Center for Spiritual Living, Norman, OK. (August 25, 2006).
  16. Guest Speaker, St. Stephen's United Methodist Church, Norman, OK. (April 17, 2005).

Awards and Honors

  1. OU Center for Faculty Excellence Fellow (2023)
  2. OU Libraries Library Partner Award (April 2019)
  3. Most Inspiring Faculty, University of Oklahoma Department of Athletics (April 2019)
  4. Nancy L. Mergler Faculty Mentor Award for Undergraduate Research, OU Office of Undergraduate Research (April 2018)
  5. Integrity Apex Award, Office of Academic Integrity (May 2011)
  6. Outstanding Mentor Award, President's Distinguished Faculty Mentoring Program (May 2011)
  7. Ovatio, Classical Association of the Middle West and South (April 18, 2008)
  8. Outstanding Faculty Member, OU Panhellenic Association (May 2004)

Professional Memberships

  1. Text Encoding Initiative Consortium (2014–Present)
  2. Association for Computers and the Humanities (2011–Present)
  3. American Classical League (1996–Present)
  4. Society for Classical Studies (formerly APA) (1996–Present)
  5. Classical Association of the Middle West and South (1995–Present)